by Geoffrey Grosenbach

Good sample code for teaching has the right mix of real world applicability and extendability while being easy to learn on.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time to think about how to challenge your most dedicated learners. Here are a few patterns I’ve used for designing advanced challenges.

You can use these ideas for tutorials, instructor-led workshops, or even books and printed materials. I’ve used these ideas to teach technical software and cloud infrastructure topics, but you could use many of the same ideas for art, music, or other domains.


The short list

Here’s a short description of each. Or read the details in the next section.


Detailed descriptions

Build from here

This is the standard advanced challenge: keep building on top of the demo by adding more functionality. Example: If the demo is a shopping cart and you’ve implemented the ability to add items to the cart, then add a feature where the shopper can delete an item from their cart.

Build the demo from scratch

Most applications created for learning include a non-blank starting point to make it easier for the student. For this advanced challenge, the student builds that starting application for themselves. Example: If you were given a pre-populated database (including tables and other schema), start over with a blank database and build the table definitions and sample data.


Tutorial applications usually involve a small amount of data and a single compute instance (your local machine). But production use cases involve many rows of data and a flood of compute. Expand your experience by scaling up. Example: You’ve built a Terraform configuration that provisions a single cloud compute instance. Now create 10 instances. Example: You’ve written an R script that consumes 100 lines of data from a CSV, now modify it to process 10,000,000 rows of data.


Tutorials are often coded alone; complete this challenge with a friend. Example: Build a new feature or re-implement an existing feature with the help of a peer. Bonus: use GitHub, Bitbucket, or another shared code platform to build the feature around standard collaboration workflows like pull requests and code reviews.

Refactor with best practices

Tutorial applications are often written to be verbose and explicit so that beginners can learn from them more easily. For this challenge, refactor the application with best practices for a production environment. Example: Refactor the application for maintainability, DRY, SOLID, or other coding best practices. Example: Create an installable package with the demo app using your language’s packaging framework (Python pip, Ruby Gem, R package, NPM package, etc).

Refactor with security

This one is debatable because in many cases, it’s better to never teach a student to do something that might be insecure (such as hard-coding API keys into a code file). But if the application you’re teaching from could be made more secure in any way, ask the student to improve it. Example: Remove sensitive data from code files; store in ephemeral ENV variables instead. Example: Store sensitive material in an encrypted data store like HashiCorp Vault.

Deploy to production

Tutorials are often run on one’s laptop or on a provided lab environment, but production systems are run in the cloud on on some kind of external compute. Example: Create a container, deploy to Kubernetes, spin up an ECS instance, or otherwise run the application somewhere outside of your local machine.

Add monitoring or observability

Even a simple tutorial application can generates logs, traces, and other analytics. But you can’t learn from them unless you collect them. Example: Instrument the application with Prometheus, Datadog, or another service.

Explain it to someone else

Explaining a concept to someone else isn’t about passing on knowledge as much as going through the experience of forming thoughts in your head to understand it yourself. Example: Describe what you learned to a desktop rubber duck or to another human (in a technical or non-technical way).

Document it

I use Bear app for personal notes. One of my most frequently used tags is study-notes where I write notes to remember later and to understand now. Example: Add to public open source documentation or just a local doc for your own learning. Example: Sketch a picture or diagram that explains the concepts, architecture, or workflow of what you just learned. See Maggie Appleton on Drawing the Invisible for inspiration.

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